b'S E RV IC ESSU MMA RY SOCIAL SERVICES The Social Services Department, led by Doris Glover, MS, CSW, and supported by Jenna Tiberi, LSW, provides guidance and supportive services to residents and families throughout the admissions application and on-site admissions processes as well as thorough discharge planning, which emphasizes autonomy and home safety. Our social workers conduct thorough psychosocial evaluations for residents, considering their emotional, cognitive, spiritual, and social needs to ensure their best quality of life.ACTIVITIES Upon admission, the activities team evaluates each resident to discover special interests and plan opportunities to enhance the quality of life through meaningful, familiar and enjoyable activities. The team is under the direction of Jean Stroud, ADC, Director of Life Enrichment, and consists of eight part- and full-time activity assistants. Activities address the cognitive, spiritual, creative, social and physical interests of residents. DIETARY SERVICES Upon admission into Greenwood House, each resident is prescribed a special nutrition plan by their physician. Jill Kwasny, MS, RD, our consulting registered dietitian, assists in maintaining these diets and oversees the nutritional health of every resident. Great care and effort are put into preparing meals for our residents. Our partner, Sodexo, oversees the day-to-day operations of meal preparation.LO C A L R E F E R R I N G H O S P I TA L S9'