b'R E P O R T F R O M R I C H A R D G O L D S T E I N Our Kosher-style dining at Greenwood House continues to be acceptable to residents and families with true Kosher meals available as needed. Abrams assisted living is Kosher and supervised by a Rabbi. SOME NOTES OF INTERESTWe have a new Clinical Manager/Assistant Administrator,Tara Ruano-Esquivel, RN. Please join me in welcoming herto the Greenwood House staff.Neil Wise has accepted the position of Director of Marketing and Sales for Hospice and Homecare. He will begin his new position at the beginning of June.Finally, my sincere feeling of gratitude and thanks to all who have helped to keep Greenwood House a viable operation, providing the best quality of care possible to its residents and maintaining a stellar reputation in the community.Thank you for being part of the Greenwood House family.5'