b'D E V E L O P M E N T & F U N D R A I S I N G Under the leadership of Neil Wise, director of development, and the support of Christine McCormick, development associate, the Development Office at Greenwood House is committed to providing an optimal philanthropic experience for donors while raising much-needed philanthropic funds for the organizations continued success. We strive to advance Greenwood Houses mission through authentic cultivation and stewardship with individuals, funders, and our community at largeDEVELOPMENT HIGHLIGHTSThe 2023 Annual Membership Campaign, the organizations unrestricted annual drive, raised over $260,000. This campaign provides critical funding that allows Greenwood House to be responsive and flexible to the needs of its residents and helps offset the annual $1 million deficit of unreimbursed care. Greenwood House Foundation provided a $50,000 1:1 match grant to mitigate labor challenges that are impacting senior care organizations nationally. The Development Office met the match through the engagement and contributions of Greenwood House friends. The special campaign funding has helped Greenwood House with the increasing costs of staff recruitment, professional development, and retention.Greenwood House hosted a special event in January with guest speaker Geoffrey Berman, author of the bestseller Holding the Line, at the Jewish Center with moderator Dina Shaw. The event raised $10,000 and was a fun and engaging conversation.The 18th annual Becky Deitz Levy Luncheon and Card Party, chaired by Rachel Levy Lesser, was held on May 11 and raised $15,000. The event honors longtime devoted volunteer Becky 14'