b'G O V E R N A N C E U P D A T E D O U G L A S Z E L T T Board PresidentFor those who attendedfamilies, Greenwood House was Greenwood Houses recentable to remain strong and deliver Battle of the Bands event, youexemplary services consistent with our know we are in unprecedented times.long-standing reputation for excellence.We had four bands in an airport hangar, 370 guests, perfect weather, and boxed dinners! TheWe thank each of you for unyielding support of COVID pandemic notwithstanding, it was a greatour mission, and we applaud the dedication of event. On the heels of a challenging 2021, it wasour staff, board, advisory council, and families. As just what our fine organization neededa funwe all know, it takes a village to raise a child, and night and generous support from our community. the same is true of caring for our deserving elders. Come join our village. We welcome your input. In We just completed another challenging year atthe coming year, consider getting involved in one Greenwood House, and thanks to the talent andof our standing committees, our volunteer efforts, dedication of our staff, the seniors who are servedand our fundraisers in support ofGreenwood by Greenwood House received our renownedHouses continuum of senior care.care. With the unrelenting impact of COVID and ination, our expenses soared, and our difficultiesDouglas Zelttcontinued. Thanks to some level of government relief funds, the ongoing support of our generousDouglas Zelttdonor base, and the cooperation of our residents 18'