b'D I E T A R Y S E R V I C E SUpon being admitted into Greenwood House, each resident is placed on a special diet prescribed by his or her physician. Jill Kwasny, MS, RD, our Consultant Registered Dietitian, assists in maintaining these diets and oversees the nutritional health of every resident. Each resident is evaluated on an ongoing basis to assure that optimal nutrition can be achieved and maintained. Our menus are frequently evaluated and revised based on resident input to accommodate our elderly population. Great care and effort are put into preparing meals for our residents. The day-to-day operations are overseen by John Rametta III, CDM, Director of Dietary Services.B U I L D I N G S E R V I C E S( F a c i l i t i e s & H o u s e k e e p i n g )Building Services is responsible for keeping Greenwood House and The Abrams Residence operating smoothly and looking their best. The team includes personnel in the housekeeping, maintenance, and laundry departments. Building services is also responsible for ensuring that Greenwood House always has enough PPE on hand.9'